How Has COVID-19 Impacted Underwriting?

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Underwriting?

COVID-19 has changed so much in our world today. So, how has COVID-19 impacted underwriting for Americans these days? Some life insurance carriers have recently placed restrictions on coverage for certain clients. For example, onelife insurance company recently...
Life Insurance During COVID-19

Life Insurance During COVID-19

These unprecedented times have left many thinking about the need for life insurance during COVID 19. Many are in a state of financial insecurity and concerned for their financial futures. Unpreparedness for sudden unemployment or the loss of a family’s primary wage...
Estate Planning Gone Wrong

Estate Planning Gone Wrong

We all enter the process of estate planning with the intention to take care of important business. What if your estate planning goes awry? Read these cautionary tales of what not to do! NAME: Sonny BonoDIED: June 23, 2011AGE: 62CAUSE: Blunt traumaESTATE BLUNDER: Not...